I specialize in various fields of IP law, in particular in patent law and its intersection to antitrust law. My main field of work is advising and representing clients in national and international patent litigation, in particular in patent litigation with a focus on the information/telecommunication technology and the pharma/biotechnology sectors. Additionally, I am particularly interested in the transformations that will be brought by the rise of the Industrial Internet of Things.
Before joining Freshfields, I have worked as research associate at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, and held the position of Program Director of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC).
I studied at the universities of Heidelberg and Munich and the George Washington University Law School. Parallel to my LL.M. studies at GW Law, I worked as judicial intern for The Hon. Judge Randall. R. Rader at the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
I retain an interest academic teaching and writing and remain a faculty member of the Munich Intellectual Property Law Center (MIPLC). I frequently publish on intellectual property issues and have given presentations in Europe, Asia and the Americas on a variety of topics. Since 2013 I am a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice (JIPLP).