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Freshfields TQ

Technology quotient - the ability of an individual, team or organization to harness the power of technology

| 1 minute read

EU AI Act unpacked #4: Navigating the timeline of the AI Act

This blog post is the next instalment of our EU AI Act unpacked series. In our previous blog posts, we discussed the definition of AI systems and general-purpose AI (GPAI) models, the different categories of AI systems and GPAI models regulated under the EU AI Act (AI Act), and the personal and territorial scope of the AI Act. This blog post focuses on an important aspect: the timeline of the AI Act.

The AI Act, which has been adopted by the Council on 21 May 2024, is expected to be published in the EU Official Journal by end of June. The AI Act will enter into force 20 days after publication in the EU Official Journal, presumably in July, ie Q3 2024.

The AI Act generally provides for a 24-month implementation period (ie Q3 2026) during which delegated legislation, guidance and standards will be published to assist with compliance with the AI Act. However, this 24-month implementation period is subject to various exemptions. The timeline below provides an overview of the AI Act's implementation periods:

Although some of the implementation deadlines may seem far off, it is advisable to start compliance work as soon as possible to allow time for thorough planning and smooth integration into the organization. In addition, starting compliance efforts early can also assist with demonstrating a sound commitment to ethical, safe and fair AI practices.

In our next blog, we will take a closer look at the key governance obligations under the AI Act.



ai, eu ai act, eu ai act series