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Freshfields TQ

Technology quotient - the ability of an individual, team or organization to harness the power of technology

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Investment in Cybersecurity Start-ups

When life gives you lemons, buy a juicer. That’s what companies are doing in the face of ever-increasing cyber threats. Data-driven businesses that demand the latest, greatest cybersecurity tools are investing in cybersecurity start-ups whose products they also use. 

These investments reflect the importance of corporate leaders to not only adapt to adverse circumstances, but also turn them into opportunities for profit. Smart cybersecurity and data storage decisions are becoming ever more significant as jurisdictions around the world step up penalties for companies that suffer data breaches – the new EU Data Protection Regulation, for instance, provides for fines up to 4% of the company's global-wide revenue in case of breaches.

Two cyber security companies focused on keeping information safe in the cloud have signed up new investors


americas, automotive